Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Todd Rice

Todd Rice has somehow become one of my favorite characters during the last couple weeks. I thought it was because he was outed, and dating a really cute guy. Especially, as that enables me to turn the page and find this (spoilers/slasher's dream) in any given issue of Manhunter.

Really cute blond-haired guy + really cute brown-haired guy = Major Turn-on for me.

But, no, that wasn't exactly right. It's actually what Kalinara has pointed out.

"I spent most of Todd's appearances in JSA thinking "Okay, your life sucks, get over it."
-And he seems to have."

And that is why Todd is now officially the Best Thing to come out of Infinity Inc and will likely be the only ex-Infinitor active next month.

(Oh, and I totally agree with her about Polly too)

1 comment:

  1. "Really cute blond-haired guy + really cute brown-haired guy = Major Turn-on for me."

    Hmmm ...
