Chris Sims found something in the back of his
monthly Tarot research and just
had to send it to me. It seems Balent weighed in on industry attitudes towards female readers.

For those of you who (understandably) can't read the scan, a male reader asks Balent why the lettercol always focuses on women, and sends his picture in, asking for a column about Guys instead.
The reason we celebrate Girls/Women at Broadsword is mainly because I was told by the so-called "Know-It-Alls" in the industry that female [readers] really don't read comics. While other companies ignore their female readers we glorify them.
Balent compromises by putting the guy at the bottom as the "Do you have dude."
As Sims would say, that was the sound of your mind being blown.
Anyway, before we get lost in a sea of confusion, Balent-bashing, Boobie jokes and feminist analysis of
Tarot (which could take weeks), there are some things to keep in mind:
Tarot is an
adult title and was concieved as such, is written and drawn as such, and is viewed as such by most casual readers.
2) In my personal experience with
Tarot readers, I've only met female readers except for
Chris), and there was a post by a shopkeeper a while back (that I can't find, but I know its out there) about how he sold a lot of
Tarot to female fans. Those are both anecdotal impressions, but the complaint above was that the lettercol is female-dominated, which supports it.
3) I'm finding it really impossible
not believe him when he says some know-it-all told him women don't read comics after all the backlash we've seen.
Now on one hand this
is Jim "Boobie" Balent and that could be just a smooth way of telling the guy "I'd rather print naked and scantily clad girls, thank you." There's much argument to be had over whether this comic celebrates women or not.
On the other hand, "I have lots of female readers and they send me positive feedback" with the ability to back it up is quite a change from the usual "This is aimed at boys, so you shouldn't be offended" and "You're losing sight of the strength of the character by being offended" we hear when industry professionals talk about women and comic books.
There's also something in here about female spaces, male spaces and neutral spaces, but I'm not familiar enough with the
Tarot lettercol to speculate on just what it is.
Now that that's been said: Bring on the confusion, feminist analysis of
Tarot, Balent-bashing, and Boobie jokes!
Or feel free to say nice things, too.