Thursday, October 12, 2006

Go read.

While I was probably damaging Geoff Johns approval ranting a bit more than I intended with my last post, Kalinara was making up for it by dispelling an annoying myth about Johns' Green Lantern.

And I'd like to take this occasion to point out again, that I can't understand why any Green Lantern fan would scoff at a bug-shaped, mind-controlling, yellow, parasitic, fear-inducing, monster (from OUTER SPAAAAACE!!). It's every possible weakness, rolled together and put into in a crunchy grasshopper shell.

I say this nice thing today because I sent him a message about the quote we were discussing earlier, and I may very well be too angry to say anything nice tomorrow.


  1. Having Parallax as a physical entity is going to awfully handy somewhere down the road I think. Knowing that he's back in the battery HAS to be keeping the Guardians on their toes,and it just has so many possibilities. Plus it made it possible for Hal to come back, which is nice.

  2. And I'd like to take this occasion to point out again, that I can't understand why any Green Lantern fan would scoff at a bug-shaped, mind-controlling, yellow, parasitic, fear-inducing, monster (from OUTER SPAAAAACE!!).

    Personally, I can't understand why any Green Lantern fan would, y'know, exist.

  3. Don't make me get out the paddle Mr. Sims.

  4. Talk to them in person Ragnell. See what they say.
