Friday, May 29, 2009

Hopefully that long break has finally cleared out all of the remaining comic book fans in the audience. Now I can finally blog about 17th Century teacup handles like I always wanted.


  1. Yay! 17th century teacup handles!

  2. Gawain could never handle a 17th century teacup...

    -- Jack of Spades

  3. I'm SO glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this. Some drinks are pretty hard to wipe off of keyboards.

  4. Pffft. Modernist. Everything past the 15th Century in tea drinking paraphenalia is CRAP and you know it!

  5. Wait, a minute, I thought that they actually poured the tea from the cup into the saucer,which after a bit of discreet blowing and whuffling, they, could then drink from.

    Or something.

    Sounds messy, so I guess that handles could be a good idea.

  6. You know, I'm sure Ra's Al Ghul and Vandal Savage would have a great deal to say on the subject of 17th Century Teacup Handles. I wonder what sorts of tea they drank? And if they had favorite teacups?

    *twirls evil mustache evilly*
