Tuesday, July 25, 2006

False Advertising

I saw a short post on my news aggregator with a beautiful title.

Superman's Can

Sadly, the actual post was not exactly what I was looking forward to.


  1. Not only that, but the ALT tag read "Superman Returns Pepsi Can." Before I loaded the image, I wondered whether he'd seen something inside the can with X-ray vision, or whether he was just switching to Coke.

  2. Well, in some states you get a nickel when you do that. Maybe Metropolis is in such a state.

  3. Soon as the new movie comes out on DVD, someone should give us a post with that title, with what we REALLY want.

    Because creepy stalker he may be, but that man is smokin'.


  4. Super returns soda cans not for mere money, he does it because he cares about mother earth
    Superman recycles

  5. Come on now, that's just a tease!

  6. Sorry to let everyone down about that post title.

  7. If you find us some pictures of Brandon Routh from the right angle, all will be forgiven :)
