For Bahlactus.
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,I'm terrible about getting into the blogging community lately. Between my feedreader and livejournal, I read roughly 800 blogs. They don't all update at once, they aren't all good, and I tend to skim past a lot of wonderful stuff. I have trouble keeping track of where I commented, and sometimes I don't comment or link what I intend to because I don't like to just link with no commentary on this blog. Unless I'm worked up by joy or rage at the moment, I don't have the motivation to write coherently. (As a result, my to-link list for this blog is too long right now.) That's why When Fangirls Attack has no commentary. Too much volume for commentary.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote. (Yeah, I'm not going to bother with that.)
BLUE BEETLE #20The cover to the Flash #233 has the kids in cute costumes.
Written by John Rogers
Art and cover by Rafael Albuquerque
A “Sinestro Corps War” tie-in! The Lanterns’ war hits home as a yellow ring appears in El Paso. But is it being offered to the Scarab or to Jaime Reyes? And whose will is stronger?
On sale October 24 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #7And, of course, the one to wait for:
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Pérez & Bob Wiacek
Cover by Pérez
Wonder Woman and Power Girl fight side-by-side against a foe who may be more powerful than both of them combined!
On sale October 17 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
WONDER WOMAN #13The other thing to catch my eye was this (emphasis mine):
Written by Gail Simone
Art and cover by Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson
An electrifying new era begins for the world’s greatest superheroine! Gail Simone (BIRDS OF PREY, SECRET SIX) joins the phenomenal art team of Terry and Rachel Dodson for what promises to be one of the most exciting Wonder Woman stories ever!
What exactly is the Circle, and what deadly secret do they hold about Diana’s birth? What familiar face from Wonder Woman’s past returns with a mission to spy on Special Agent Diana Prince? Why is the Department of Metahuman Affairs on a collision course with the wounded remnants of the Society of Super-Villains? All this plus monkey assassins in a story that spans the globe and shakes Diana to her core!
On sale October 10 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
DC INFINITE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL #1I think we can take it as a given that they're digging him up so they can kill him again.
WRITTEN and illustrated by various
Cover by Gene Ha
Don’t miss this collection of 13 stories of tricks and treats by some of comics’ top creators, including writers Steve Niles, Mark Waid, Steve Seagal, Dan DiDio, Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Peter Johnson (TV’s Supernatural), David Arquette (Scream), Cliff Dorfman (Entourage) and many more with art by Ian Churchill, Dean Ormston, Dustin Nguyen , Bernard Chang and others! The inmates of Arkham horrify each other with terrifying tales involving Superman and zombies, Batman and vampires, Robin and werewolves, Aquaman and witches, Flash and the dead, and more! Plus, the return of Resurrection Man!
On sale October 31 • 80 pg, FC, $5.99 US
There are people of color in this country. They deserve super-heroes. You are a big doodee head.See, being a Green Lantern fan is not all the Hal vs. Kyle war. Sometimes we fight about John too.
Will in the books is unselfish, concerned for his family's well-being ahead of his own, a serious and recollected kid who looks out for others. In the movie, at least from the trailer footage, he's a thoughtless brat who only sees in his newfound powers a chance to show off cool superpowers and give nothing in return, whining worse than Young!Luke to Ben Kenobi about having to go save the world. And Luke had more responsibilities, and fewer allies and resources, at the time!Oh, and Soyo found the trailer:
Will discovers his powers on his thirteenth birthday, because John Hodge says Will's extra years make him more "plausibly capable."One of the things about Will was he always seemed like an old 11. He was like a thousand-year-old man wrapped up in a little boy's body. Why would they need to add two years to him if seeming older than his age is still a characterization point?
Will is assertive, challenging his older brother head-on, and doing many other things — as John Hodge says often — "head-on." I guess it's a pro to his being American, as Americans have a reputation for being more proactive than passive.Yay for nationalistic stereotyping! Will he do rope tricks too? All the British kids'll be tea-drinking and uptight, right?
He is told of his powers, refuses to believe anyone when he hears of them, then goes home and apparently gives his brothers what-for.Why? Would he think his brothers put the guy up to it?
At thirteen, Will gets disgusted at not being able to tell anyone. He blows up a car and acts out in some other ways. According to John Hodge, Miss Greythorne tells Merriman, "He's just expressing himself."Remember the scene where he got especially curious and went out to the woods and set a stick on fire with his powers? Then realized what a humongously stupid thing he'd done?