Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Is it just me or has the content around here been way too heavy lately?

Instead of more analysis, how about a pleasant Tuesday diversion?

Do you recognize that butt?


  1. "Oh, I hate to shoot a butt like that!"

    -- and if you get that reference, you started watching The Comedy Channel ... well, when it was still The Comedy Channel.

  2. I'd recognize a Giffen drawn ass anywhere, that's Irwin Schwab!

  3. I don't know who it is but clearly whoever it is has run out of clean clothes and had to borrow a pair of jeans from Wonder Woman. ;-)

  4. You know, I think that suit looked a lot better on Brum-El.

  5. "--and if you get that reference, you started watching The Comedy Channel ... well, when it was still The Comedy Channel."

    Hereafter Crow says "I'll do it!" in one instance, as I recall. ;)

    As for the panel, no mistaking those antennae, or that inking style.

  6. I don't know who the guy is, but judging by that golden W, I would say that butt has been branded and is owned by Wonder Woman as we speak.

  7. Well, he did call her "Sweetcakes"...

  8. A mighty issue. The Bug was doing laundry and reflecting how the Big Three don't have this problem. Batman has Alfred, Wonder Woman's laundry is probably done by Etta Candy, and Superman? "I'll bet his clothes never get dirty!"

    On the next panel, he's attacked by sentient socks.

    My god, I love Keith Giffen and Robert Loren Fleming.
