Friday, August 24, 2007

Now that I look at it.

I was writing up something on Star Sapphire for Blog@Newsarama and I realized something about this cover. Look at Hal's dialogue.

"She hurled a repelling ray at me! There must be some way I can defeat this mystery woman!"

That picture and those words. That's pretty much Hal and Carol's relationship in a nutshell, isn't it?


  1. Great essay, and it summed up my feelings of both the Broome originals and the Johns revamp.

  2. Hal and Carol's relationship has ALWAYS been a bit on the weird side. Seems like one or othe other of them is always in needy mode, while the other is in repelling mode. Just once it would be nice to have them both on the same page, but where would the fun be in that?

    At least Jillian likes to go out for a beer, which must be very restful for ol' Hal.

  3. Hal and Carol are that couple you know where, behind their backs, everyone asks "Why on earth are they together?"

    Now that Carol is divorced and not throwing herself at Hal, I like to hope they'll become the sort of friends who get each other after being at each others' throats for so insanely long. It would please me too if Hal still tried to get into Carol's pants every so often, with Carol deflecting it as gently as possible ("cool your jets, flyboy").

  4. Hal and Carol are that couple you know where, behind their backs, everyone asks "Why on earth are they together?"

    I seem to vaguely recall an issue at the very end of Gerard Jones' run, where GL crosses paths with GA again, and reveals that he and Carol are splitsville. Ollie admits that Dinah finally lost patience with him and threw him out. Then they both at the same time say something like, "You know, I never thought she was right for you."

    gytqgyl -- the foolish giggling sound they make immediately afterwards
