(Update: April 2, 2006 -- Ragnell the Fair and the rest of her Bizarro compatriots have been overthrown. I haven't saved any evidence of her work, as it made my eyes bleed. A Jade profile picture? *Shudder* Anyway, I don't have time to get into this panel at the moment, but I assure you I will be contemplating it)
I agree wholeheartedly! Everyone knows that Green Lantern is a pointless and substance-free comic!
ReplyDelete(I think the clumsy idiots of this dimension are indeed fooled by our impersonation of our counterparts, Bizarro Ragnell. Well done!)
Biz-Kali, what part of 'subtle approach' do you not understand?
ReplyDeleteOkay, I don't exactly know what's going on here, but I've got a hunk of blue kryptonite handy and I'm not afraid to use it...
ReplyDeleteSubtlety is for lesser beings. And kindly refer to me by my full name, and not some imbecilic appellation.
ReplyDeleteJust when I had convinced myself that I absolutely hated those Bizarros running around in S/B, you went and made me laugh and feel good about the concept's potential again.
ReplyDeleteOMG I thought you were cool Ragnell, but now you've betrayed teh femanest movement with your pink layout!!!!111
ReplyDeleteNevar again shall I read yuor bleg.
pink is a stupid color and girls are dum they read girly comix like CRAPnime and BOREomance and STUPIDependent stuff. your shold go back too the kitchen where you BELONG!!!!
ReplyDeleteunless ur HOTT, then com to MY PLACE OOOOO YEAAAHHH!!
Put a cork in it, Tom! I think there's gonna be a catfight between Bizarro Kalinara and Bizarro Ragnell! And I'm selling tickets so I don't want anyone distracting them!
ReplyDeleterab I am offended by your use of ron stoppable as an icon! he undermines manliness everywhere. kim should be subordinate to him, not the other way around! reverse sexism!!!!!111eleventyseven
ReplyDeleteI can't beat the bizzaros away from un-normal.