Monday, March 20, 2006

Why I Love Zamaron

The Zamarons are the best alien race in the DCU because of their skilled marriage counselors:


  1. Of course, Hal would never agree to any arrangement that he wasn't already positive he'd win!

    That louse!

  2. The funny part is that he lost. (But he weaseled out at the altar another way)

  3. But it would have been so much funnier if their whole married life was like that: Who gets to handle the remote? Epic battle! Whose turn was it to make dinner? Epic battle!

    I wonder if I could get Franny to agree to that...

  4. "But it would have been so much funnier if their whole married life was like that ..."

    Judging from a few couple I've met, I'd say that's exactly how the marriage wound up.

  5. I've got my fingers crossed tat come Green Lantern #10 (current volume) we find out that Carol's husband died and we do get a Star Sapphire-Green Lantern marriage, complete with Zamaron conflict resolution techniques.
