Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween
Originally uploaded by Ragnell
About two weeks ago I picked up a pumpkin on impulse, but I didn't get around to carving it until today. A little sloppy, but I don't think this is too bad for someone who hasn't carved a pumpkin since she was 12.

I know, I should've used the Orange emblem, but that seemed a bit ambitious. Maybe next year after I've polished up a bit. I did use a green candle, at least.


  1. Great minds think alike!

    My friend and I carved all the lanterns, possibly because we have too much free time: Jack-O-Lantern Corps.

  2. Ryvre -- That is so awesome. If I'd had time I would've done the whole group, but it wouldn't have looked near that good.

  3. How on earth did you keep the circle in the center?
