Monday, November 19, 2007


Just when you thought it was safe to return to Green Lantern:

They're using that hideous porn costume in the Star Sapphire action figure!

And this is, of course, the only female figure in the new batch. There's no Soranik, there's no Iolande, there's no Arisia, there's no Laira, there's no Boodika, there's just an old Kingdom Come Jade figure (funny how they made a Jade figure only for the Elseworlds where she got a costume with a glowing boob window) and a Katma Tui animated figure that won't stand up because she's wearing fucking high heels!

I'm filing down the jewelry on Fairy Barbies to try and get R'amey Holl and they give us porn-costume Star Sapphire to play with.



  1. That's one ugly batch of action figures! I can't figure out how they arrived at Sinestro's skin color there - seems to me his skin should be about the shade of Star Sapphire's costume.

    Dangit, if they made a Soranik Natu figure, I'd have one of my once-in-a-blue-moon action figure purchases right there!

  2. Is that saying that Batman will get to use a GL ring during the war? :D Or is that something else? :\

  3. Oh :o

    Is that the pre-IC issue where Batman used the ring at the very end to see his fears? :o Cuz if so, that's a very brief moment to make a figurine out of. :(

  4. Ami, it's BATMAN with a GL RING. It could have happened for a single panel in a dream sequence and they would make a figure of it. Because let's be honest, that's cool, and people will eat it up. Even if it makes NO sense :)

  5. Also, suedenim you're right, Sinestro looks like a Calefornia Rasin.

  6. As much as I hate the disgusting Star Sapphire costume, my first thought upon viewing those figures was, "Sinestro is mauve, dammit, mauve! Not purple, mauve!"

  7. the thing about those figures which I love is that Cyborg Superman is giving the camera a rather rude gesture (sort of the equivalent of flipping someone off in the UK) I wonder if that is how his fingers are naturally or if someone put them that way for the shot

  8. I'm not quite sure why they felt they had to include a Batman figure, since this costume existed for only a couple of panels. It isn't as though there is a dearth of Batman figures out there!

    I did like the Sinestro figure, but oh, the coloring!

    I actually thought that Star Sapphire's costume covered a tiny bit more of her in the figure than in the actual book, but not enough to make much of a difference. It does seem odd that the only female figure is SEXY figure. I do wish they'd bring out Arisia, Soranik and Iolande. Heck, I'd KILL for a Boodikka.

  9. go raggy, sell those staues.
    BTW did you ever get your publicist award for NA 35?

  10. Ok, normally I agree that its best to just not respond to trolls. Especially on someone else's blog. BUT:

    1. Even when abreviating to try for some kind of vague insult, names should be capitolized.

    2. Statues. Not staues.

    Ok, petty grammar corrections done with...
    3. Action figures or dolls or whatever you want to call them aren't statues. Because of the points of articulation thing...

    4. When trolling someone's blog, its probably best to use something as an insult that would hold any meaning for them. I went back over the last month and a half. The closest Ragnell comes to dealing with New Avengers 35, was that she mentions she doesn't read Bendis' books. I mean a large number of us who comment here regularly DID rant on the subject. Perhaps you should try trolling on of US with that "joke"?

  11. Further proof that saying RMM has the reading comprehension of a dim two year old is, in fact, insulting dim two year olds.

  12. RMM, I should thank you for advertising all OUR blogs too then XD

    The whole "no publicity is bad publicity" thing isn't actually true.

    There are plenty of incidences where bad publicity has caused companies to go out of business, recall items, or change their practices. Bad publicity causes ppl to resign, celebrities to lose sales, ppl to be fired.

    Not ALL publicity (even negative ones) will cause this to happen. Not ALL positive publicity will cause sales to go up. But just giving publicity is not a guarantee that good things will happen.

    And honestly, if all this negative publicity about comics is a good thing (considering that the controversies are now making mainstream newspapers), comics should be BOOMING now more than EVAR.

  13. Yes Ami you should. All of you should. So why aren't you?

  14. I hope that R'amey Holl gets an action figure in wave four. Best design for a female Green Lantern ever. The others all kind look the same, being humanoid... ok stupid joke...
    Hell, she has the best design to me besides Guy Gardner. And he is the best costume of all.

  15. And I mean giving R'amey Holl an action figure as a Green Lantern, not a naked, glowy, blue alien.
    In as far as the slutty Star Sapphire goes, I understand the new costume. It is supposed to inspire lust in the loins of Hal Jordan. The old get-up was a little dated. And by a little I mean alot. On the other-hand, Fatality could've used a new action figure...

    Also I meant that Guy *has* the best costume of all Lanterns.

  16. "In as far as the slutty Star Sapphire goes, I understand the new costume. It is supposed to inspire lust in the loins of Hal Jordan."

    Hal always went for society dames, though. A little classy restraint would probably excite Hal more than a costume where everything is right thar on display.

  17. If Hal was into Classy women, why'd he try to steal Guy Gardner's psychotic fiance Kari whats-her-name? Ya know, the Psychic... she helped everyone realize Guy was in the Phantom Zone on the day she was supposed to Marry Hal... And Guy is supposed to be the Jerk of the Corp...

    How about they go ahead and use the JLU Star Sapphire Costume. I thought it looked good. Certainly better than that ancient Airline Stewardess uniform.

  18. "If Hal was into Classy women, why'd he try to steal Guy Gardner's psychotic fiance Kari whats-her-name? Ya know, the Psychic... she helped everyone realize Guy was in the Phantom Zone on the day she was supposed to Marry Hal... And Guy is supposed to be the Jerk of the Corp..."

    Kari Limbo. Yes, Denny O'Neill wrote Hal as the creepiest mo-fo in the entire DC Universe. Don't forget Hal kissing Katma Tui, knowing he could get away with it because it wasn't a gesture that Korugarians attached any significance to. I am reasonably certain that Hal (as characterized by Denny O'Neill) discovered the hard way that Korugarian women don't like having their butts grabbed, and got away with it at all only by claiming that it's a perfectly innocent gesture here on earth.

    But anyway: Carol Ferris and Eve Doremus are examples of Hal going after women out of his tax bracket. He's dated his share of stewardesses and waitresses in his day, but when push comes to shove, it's the society dames that he likes best. No doubt he enjoys a challenge.
