Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Night Fights Round 10!

What better way to take your mind off the current strife in the blogosphere than to post pictures of violence?


It made sense when Bahlactus first suggested it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That first panel where she blocks the attack with her hat is rad to the max.

    After he gets out of the hospital/prison, someone should refer that dude to Blockade Boy. Cheap thuggery and that outfit do not go together at all. Just look at those pants!

  3. that Lady Cop? When she's not ridding the streets of VD, she's getting horrible horrible pants back in jail...where they belong!

  4. Woo, Lady Cop!

    I hope she shows up more often in The Atom.

  5. Ohhh, sorry I missed your punches last night! The announcer clued me in this morning that you were issuing everyone dirt naps! See the tale-of-the-tape for more!
