Thursday, January 11, 2007

National De-lurking Week!

Anyway, I nearly missed it, and there's only a couple days left, but Tom informs me its National De-lurking Week. So leave a comment, even if you normally just read.

Last time I asked for guesses as to the context of the image, but you should all know this one even with the words changed.


  1. Is that a Simone Bianchi Seven Soldiers art? It's been so long between trades...

    Oh. Erm.


  2. Know that I am delurking, just for you.

  3. [delurks] "Hi! [back to lurking]

  4. But I don't wanna delurk! I like it here on Babylon 5!

  5. I Enjoy your blog.


  6. I don't know. I just got royally hosed for commenting elsewhere when I had lurked on several other threads, so I'm feeling bloody and resentful.

    But just so you know, I lurk on your blog daily, just because you always give me food for thought. And sometimes I even post.

  7. I dunno, seems to me National Delurking Week seems to come around every three months or so nowadays. :)

    I'm totally jealous that Tamora Pierce reads your blog and Heidi Meeley's. I hope she reads mine too. :)

  8. I can't remember if I've posted here or not.

    So hey if I haven't and uh... oops? if I have.

  9. When the heck is Stargirl going to be done with her braces?

  10. Well crap in a hat, that's one spooky picture!

    Hi Ragnell.

    Did you read GLC #8 Awesome!

  11. Lurker #15 speaking up, soon to return to her natural environment in the silence beyond the comments box.

    Hah, truly, it's rare I can think of anything constructive to add to the conversations.

  12. I'm going with a Simone Bianchi panel from Shining Knight too.

    Also, hi!

  13. Jaxxon, Miss. rocknroll boys heart Ragnells.

  14. Dang, I guess I have gone back to lurking lately...

    Happy New Year!!!

    - Tragic.

  15. Does this mean you'll delurk over at my place too, or is it just blogs?

    Karen Ellis

  16. no idea. what, do i actually have to keep up on comics to grouse about them? that's unamerican.

  17. I thought it was National De-Dirk Week! And after I spent all that time erasing Starbuck from my old Walt Simonson Battlestar Galactica comics!

  18. This is one day that keeps sneaking up on me. It should be on calendars!

  19. I don't post often but I do check in and read daily. Keep up the great work, you have a very entertaining blog.

  20. Um... hello. Enjoying your insightful, amusing commentary.

  21. Wait, really? Huh. I did a delurking post over on my blog just on a whim. I had no idea this was something actually going on this week. When did they start inventing airborne memes?

    Anyway, hi. Bill D. from Trusty Plinko Stick here. You almost single-handedly rekindled my interest in the Green Lantern concept, you know. Still haven't quite figured out how or why, but there ya go.

  22. When these delurking-week posts started appearing, I figured, I don't need to delurk because I'm always commenting on stuff; everybody who cares knows I'm around. But really I probably don't comment anywhere near as much as I think I do.

    So, hi.

  23. I am not sure if I count as a lurker now, although I haven't said peep in quite a while now.

  24. Hi, Ragnell...sometime commenter Chuck here...I admire the amount of time and thought that you put in your posts...but I just don't understand the draw(no pun intended)of Hal's ass...

  25. De-lurking week huh? I never really counted myself as one who lurks. I do read your blog everyday and have done so for a few months now, is that "lurking"? I supose I shall start posting my wayward ideas now. Just remember, you brought this upon yourself!! :) As this is my first comment to you (as well as my first comment to any blogger whatsoever) I just wanted to thank you for exposing me to new ideas on your blog that I have never really been exposed to prior to becoming a reader. I guess I'll go de-lurkify myself to Kalinara now...

  26. I must say, you do have a very enjoyable site here, balancing insightful commentary about the nature of sexism in the comics industry with, uhm, "in-depth analysis" of the Green Lantern Corps. Yeah, the irony of it registers, but it does get old rather quickly.

    Also, you've made me wonder just how much more interesting New Avengers would be if it were still drawn by Cho, but Bendis was replaced by Joss Whedon. Now there's a conflict of interest.

  27. I believe I've commented a couple of times here before, but for the most part I'm an occasional lurking reader type person.

    At the present I was trying to find out who it was that asked for a male character drawn in the pose Powergirl was in on the Adam Hughes cover to JSA Classified. It was from sometime last year I guess, and I'm having a difficult time remembering.

  28. Hi, I'm de-lurking.

    Love the blog, keep doing what you are doing.

    Ok now I'm back to lurking.

  29. hallo, I've been hanging around reading a few feminist comics blogs like yours just because and I've found it all fascinating. So Thankyou!


  30. I don't actually think I've commented here, although I'm the random who commented in your book poll over on your LJ.

    I might've commented here, once or twice, awhile back. Can't keep track.

    Anyway, I appreciate your writing. (And have no idea where that image is from.)

  31. Not only shall I delurk, but to spit in the proverbial faces of the three people who called your commenters sycophants, I will disagree with you: I do not know what the context of that image is.

    So, let's see, I delurked and I disagreed with you. Two birds? Meet this one stone...

  32. Brainfreeze here; been mostly offline for the last week or so but have returned just long enough to delurk here. Back soon, I hope!

  33. Grah!

  34. Oficially de-lurking. I've been reading your blog since early summer or something like that, and it's always interesting!

  35. Comment, comment. Love the blog, miss amateur art appreciation, keep writing. :)

  36. Helooo madame,
    seeing as you already know i read your blog, this is probably more of a public outing than a delurking. But still here I am! My name's Alex, and if i manage to get the internet to work my whim, then i usually swing by here (pretty much every day){note to self, doing a lot better at coherent sentences than my other delurking} to have a read and a think. Always something inspiring here, right down to the fluidity of the words! so yay Ragnell, you rule

  37. Do I count as a lurker? I don't comment often, but I figure you know I read your blog as often as I can.

    Oh well, happy Friday!

  38. Bah, blogging myself eats up too much of my personal wordpower; so I'm not commenting as much anywhere. (And I read a ton of blogs, including here, mostly daily.) I just don't want to say anything insightful I should save for mine!...yeah, probably don't have to worry so much about that.

  39. Delurking from Baltimore, but I'm originally an Okie. Looking forward to a great year at the blog.

  40. But it can't be De-Dirking Week! It'll probably be De-Caroleing Week, or maybe De-Leoing Week. (He said, as if anyone else is watching that.)



  41. I don't think I'm a lurker, but I de-lurk anyway...Because this is America...the land of the free and the home of the brave! :)

  42. *raises hand* lurker...definately lurker

  43. Delurking as ordered. :)

  44. You can't ge me to de-lurk!
